Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Good evening DC families,
Please remember that all monies, tip money ($55.00 per student) and spending cash to be dispensed by Mr. Moran if necessary, are due to me by Thursday, October 31st.
Please do not be late. This simply creates much more work for Mr. Moran:(

Additionally, below is a link to the Google Form for those students who will need any kind of medications carried on the trip and or require specific nutritional accommodations.  You can also contact our health assistant, Yolanda Figueroa, by phone or email (info below). If we already disperse medications, or hold an inhaler or epi pen etc.. for your student currently, we would still like you to fill out this quick reference form.
Yolanda Figueroa, AJHS Health Care Assistant
(831) 728-7834, ext: 5480

Google Form Link:

Thank you again for all of your effort and preparation!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Final Parent Meeting 10/22/19

A BIG Thank you to all that attended tonight's final Mandatory DC Parent Meeting.

I trust that you found it informative. Please remember that all monies are due to the main office by Thursday, October 31st; whether you are submitting the $55.00 for tips in the white envelope (labeled with student first name, last name, bus #, and total amount) or submitting both tips (white envelope) and spending money allotments (6 sealed white envelopes labeled with student name, bus# and day; each one. Then sealed in the manila envelope.)

Additionally, please get used to monitoring this blog and email for more information as we get closer to our departure date.

It is going to be a blast!
Rich Moran